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Signature Dishes
Corn and Sago Fried Rice Nasi Ayam
Review (5)
Level4 2013-09-05
Tom YamMost of us would welcome any spicy and sour food for it is really appetizing. But trust me, you might want to give this Tom Yam dish served here a second thought. It’s really spicy not instantly, but aftertaste For me who is has a milder spiciness tolerance, needless to say, my face is being moisture with sweat in no time But the food is really delicious. The soup is made with the right consistency of spiciness and the fragrance form the pamelo leaves, coupled with fresh seafood like squids, prawns and many more. Best served with white rice and prepare yourself with tissue beforehand too continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)