04-612 1138
Opening Hours
06:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
06:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Open Till Late
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Roast Beef with Herb and Pepper Sauce Scandinavian Fish Pie Sesame Carrot Uluru Calamari Salad
Review (3)
Looking for a buffet that consist round the world delicacy? Heading to Eastin Hotel for it September International Buffet which consists of Indian Food, Italian Food, Nyonya Food, Japanese Food, Mediterranean Food…etc, I am sure you will find some great food there. Read more: http://www.tasteiest.com/2013/09/international-buffet-and-moon-cake-review-at-eastin-hotel.html#ixzz2tdGvBXWZStart our buffet with Thai healthy starter Thai Miang Kham, my all time favorite where dried shrimp, lemon, peanut, chili, fried coconut, ginger and onions mix together with sweet sauce and Kaduk Leaf. I use to enjoy Miang Kham at Khun De Thai Restaurant but sadly this Thai delicacy is no longer in their menu. Luckily I got the chance to eat it in Eastin Hotel, i truly enjoy eating the combination of fresh ingredients together with the sweet sauce, it taste sweet and sauteed with crunchy texture.Read more: http://www.tasteiest.com/2013/09/international-buffet-and-moon-cake-review-at-eastin-hotel.html#ixzz2tdGzSYEK continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-10-06
Swez Brasserie in Eastin Hotel is having their Japanese Style Buffet during weekend and since I am with the stay in weekends, we had our buffet dinner in the hotel as well. Started with the salad range, it does a plentiful choices of the Japanese delights. Ranges all the way from the they do served the chuka wakame ( marinated seaweed with enoki salad) ,pan seared tuna,imo salad (potato salad), tomato salad, namesu ( radish & carrot vineger) and even more. The salad are all freshly made and I love the chuka wakame itself which brings the freshness of the taste of marinated seaweed.Plentiful of the assorted sushi are also available in the buffet spread as well. The varieties includes the maki, salmon and many more. I am falling in love with the sushi which is well wrapped till perfection and it is just taste good with the well delicious fresh ingridients continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-06-28
Swez Brasserie in Eastin Hotel is having their Japanese Style Buffet during weekend and since I am with the stay in weekends, we had our buffet dinner in the hotel as well. The spread of buffet is simply a large variety of Japanese food which not disappoint me at all. It is a great spread of buffet with quality Japanese food which I love about it.Fresh seafood lovers can also enjoy the variety of the fresh sashimi which is available at buffet. Freshly cut to the right sizes as well as the freshness of the salmon, and tuna belly does impress me too. The salmon and tuna belly is fresh and there are more variety compare to many Japanese restaurants in the buffet. Each cuts is amazingly good where it is freshly made and being me who are not a fans of sashimi lovers had also fall in love with it. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)