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This is wymenliew .
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wymenliew  Level 1
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Showing 121 to 135 OpenRicers of 1167 Following
53 Review(s)
Level 3
This is janicegoh living in Cheras. I work in Cheras. I like to hang out in Kuala Lumpur City Center, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur. Korean, Japanese, Western variety are my favorite cuisines. I also love Café, Restaurant and Buffet, Pizza/Pasta.

Paradise Dynasty is a fine dining at Paradigm Shopping Mall, Kelana Jaya. The Paradise Dynasty signature dish is the handmade La Mian or hand-pulled noodles. I ordered the La Mian with beef. It is spicy soup, tickle my tongue at first and make it numb a few second later. The soup tasted awesome. I definitely will come back to this place again to try for other main dishes.
I Love Msia Food
9 Review(s)
Level 2
This is I Love Msia Food living in Setapak.

福利越南餐馆是一家比较没那么起眼的餐厅~ 不过这家餐厅可是由真正的越南人开的哦~老板娘是从越南过来的 讲到越南美食,一定不能不提越南有名的牛肉河粉~越南牛肉河粉的特色是会另外提供一碟生菜,吃的时候才倒进热腾腾的牛肉汤面内拌着吃 这样吃的好处是蔬菜非常新鲜,尤其半熟的芽菜咬起来好脆! 牛肉面则有牛肉丸、牛肉片和牛肚,很丰盛 牛肉汤带有淡淡的牛肉香味,加上料多,混着河粉一起送进肚子里是一大享受...
319 Review(s)
Level 4
This is mimocarmen living in Cheras. I work in Bukit Bintang. I like to hang out in Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur. I also love as long as theres good food.

S'mores is located @ The Sphere,Bangsar south where you can find all kind of restaurants from korean cuisine to taiwanese. My friend bought a discount coupon online for 8 pax that cost RM260.Its a set that comes with a Porky Platter and beers for 8 pax. When we first reach there, the places is crowded already, we seek for assistance from the staffs but they seem too busy to serv...
100 Review(s)
Level 4
This is joysan living in Kuala Lumpur City Center. I am a Marketing Executive, work in Kuala Lumpur City Center. I like to hang out in Kuala Lumpur City Center, Bandar Utama. Korean are my favorite cuisines. I also love Café, Restaurant and Seafood, Pizza/Pasta.

Love eating their Sashimi Salad it was super fresh and mouth watering! smile Besides the sashimi portion was well served as you can see in the picture. Most of the time I like to order my Sashimi Salad with Chef dressing I love thier chef dressing so much but you can choose other dressing as well they offer sesame dressing too can't recall the other dressing. Well this sashimi sal...
84 Review(s)
Level 3
This is joannelee . Japanese, Western variety are my favorite cuisines. I also love Restaurant, Café, Hotel Dining and Buffet.

I LOVE beef noodles. There are not that many, since many Chinese don't consume beef. And among the few who sell beef noodles, they are either not tasty enough, stingy with ingredients, or simply are not appetizing enough. Which is why Restaurant Tangkak Beef was such a surprise to me. At RM5.50/small, RM6.50/medium and RM7.50/large, this is definitely THE PLAC...
26 Review(s)
Level 2
This is Derpina . I also love Steamboat/Hotpot, Dim sum.

来到Sri Petaling,就必须来这间专门卖日本饭糰的小食店试试。 老板说,他的饭糰是即叫即做,送到时,还是温的,很新鲜。 我当场叫了他们介绍的Furikake,据说是有鱿鱼碎成分的饭糰。饭糰是由张紫菜包着,一口咬下的感觉紫菜很脆,饭爽口又好吃,味道刚刚好,不会太咸,是下午茶的好食品。
77 Review(s)
Level 3
This is amylim living in Serdang. I work in Bukit Bintang.

说起汉堡包,大家或许会想到麦当劳或其他品牌的汉堡,然而时下最热门的汉堡非他莫属了!为何这么说呢?因为他们在下午5时才开始营业,但到了晚上8时他们就可以销罄了。既然它最近那么火红,好奇的我当然不会错过机会去尝试一番,看看它的背后到底隐藏了什么玄机,让它在短短的几个月内可以如此成功? 由于不熟悉那里附近的地方,所以跟一大班同事约好了在放工后才一起去。一进到去只看见小小的店铺里挤满了许多人,喧哗声不断,...
305 Review(s)
Level 4
This is simplexity .

The picture above is my breakfast and for those who thinks that's is definitely not enough for a breakfast, you should try it once. It is very filling and that implies on the doughnut alone. I think the secret to it is the dough. When I bite into it, I could feel the resistance of the dough unlike some other doughnuts I've tried. The layer of sugar glazing on it is thick as well and sometimes...
chia yee
32 Review(s)
Level 3
This is chia yee living in Gelugor. I am a student, work in Gelugor. I like to hang out in George Town. Thai, Japanese are my favorite cuisines. I also love Restaurant and Halal, Juices / Bubble Tea / Tea / Yogurt, Dim sum.

Lassi!! Smile  
A Lassi is a very popular yogurt based drink that originates in the Punjab regions of India and Pakistan. They somewhat resemble a milkshake or smoothie and are made by blending the ingredients with fresh youghurts. The four lassi I taste are all sweet Lassi made with fruits. Those are Mango lassi, orange lassi and 2 kiwi lassi with the flavour some kind really like yogurts,I can j...
14 Review(s)
Level 2
This is SharonD living in Kuala Lumpur City Center. I am a Self-Employed, work in Kuala Lumpur City Center. I like to hang out in Segambut, Kota Damansara, Mutiara Damansara. Chinese, Malay, Indian are my favorite cuisines. I also love Kopitiam, Stall / Warung, Café and Steaks / Chops, Mixed rice, Nasi Lemak.

If I'm thinking about ABC (Air Batu Campur), I would head to the Neighbourhood Cafe Food Court. Why? Because it's the closest thing to how I remembered ABC to be in my childhood and it is done well. ABC is a Malaysian dessert that usually consists of a bowlful of shaved ice topped with various syrup, nuts, corn, red bean and jelly. I love having my ABC without t...
Josephine T.
18 Review(s)
Level 2
This is Josephine T. living in Kota Damansara. I am a Executive, work in Damansara Heights. I like to hang out in Damansara (PJ), Damansara (KL), Petaling Jaya. Asian, International/Western are my favorite cuisines. I also love Café, Restaurant and Mixed rice, Steaks / Chops.

WATAMI... sounds like "wan tan mee"... tongue ha! their 1st outlet is in Pavillion~ and that's where i had my 1st meal with WATAMI... 1 Utama outlet is not new anymore now... had many meals there before this~ just that was too rush to take picture for blog... let's not waste our time on my grandmother story...WATAMI is not a sushi house... but they do serve sushi... ju...
Eunice's Euphoria
395 Review(s)
Level 4
This is Eunice's Euphoria living in Puchong Jaya. I am a Student, work in Bandar Puteri. Western variety are my favorite cuisines. I also love Café, Hotel Dining and Ice Cream / Froyo / Gelato, Buffet.

I never know such beautiful place existed until my best friendsuggusted to dine here on a fine afternoon and I nodded immediately!There were frame of pictures hanging on the wall at the narrow pathway that leads you from the back door to the restaurant .Louisiana has a very serene environment, embellish with warm lamp , yellow light, neat chairs and rectangular tables. We prefer to dine out...
Tang Szu Xi
355 Review(s)
Level 4
This is Tang Szu Xi . I am a Student Western variety are my favorite cuisines. I also love Food court, Restaurant, Delivery, Stall, Buffet, Dim Sum and many more.

Nathalie's Gourmet Studio is a French cuisine restaurant. Nathalie's Gourmet Studio is located at Solaris Dutamas. Most of the dishes here will attract your attention as the presentation of the dishes was really awesome, incredible and decorative. Bread with butter and a sprinkle of salt Fresh baked bread, warm & crusty. The butter was flavourful, not oily. Rich in milk.M...
34 Review(s)
Level 3
This is twinklebelle .

This Pandan Layered cake is priced at RM1.50 per piece, can be found displayed inside the fridge area in the shop. TASTE: The texture of the Pandan Layered Cake is soft, not too sweet at first few bite, what is lacking would be the less aromatic scent of the pandan. The sponge cake section is not too fluffy; therefore the overall taste is not that up to expectation. ...
47 Review(s)
Level 3
This is janniejane living in Subang Jaya. I am a Executive, work in Subang Jaya. I like to hang out in Kuala Lumpur City Center, Subang Jaya, USJ. Japanese, Korean are my favorite cuisines. I also love Café, Restaurant and Steamboat/Hotpot.

This blog post is about my cake eating experience in Serai. My brother brought me to dine in Serai few years back and he treated me the Pavlova. That was my 1st experience of eating Pavlova. I felt its really very nice. But lately I've been dining in Serai and Alexis quite frequently and i really made comparison between both cakes from different places. This is the cake from Serai...
Showing 121 to 135 OpenRicers of 1167 Following