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This is LAmouse living in Serdang. I work in Serdang. I like to hang out in Kuala Lumpur City Center, Bangsar, Subang Jaya. Asian Variety, Malaysian variety, Multi-Cuisine are my favorite cuisines. I also love Restaurant, Hotel Dining, Stall / Warung and Fine Dining, Buffet, Seafood.
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LAmouse  Level 1
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Showing 1 to 5 OpenRicers of 5 Following
99 Review(s)
Level 3
This is Pyqa living in Ampang. I am a Executive, work in Ampang. I like to hang out in Ampang, Bukit Bintang, Damansara Utama. Japanese, Malaysian variety, Western variety are my favorite cuisines. I also love Café, Restaurant and Sweets/Snack, Pizza/Pasta, Steaks / Chops.

Before fasting month, i satisfied my craving for some lamb chop at dagang avenue. Over there, they have plenty of food to choose from. They have thai food, western, some old school fish satay and more! Dinner time will always be full as most shops will open starting at 4.oo p.m.  So i ordered my lamb chop which i decided to change to mixed grilled (consist of lamb, beef and chicken) a...
125 Review(s)
Level 4
This is puiling95 living in Kelana Jaya. I am a StudentI like to hang out in Damansara Jaya, Subang Jaya, Petaling Jaya (South). Taiwanese, Western variety, Italian are my favorite cuisines. I also love Café, Restaurant, Food court and Buffet, Pizza/Pasta, Desserts.

One of the best cakes that I have ever eaten in Starbucks, the Chocolate Tuxedo which cost RM 11.55. The sweetness of this cake is just right, not too sweet although there is a lot of chocolate on it. The moisture of the cake was perfect too. I always believed that the key to a delicious cake depends greatly on its moisture as I personally do not like dry texture cake. Overall, th...
OpenRiceMY Editor
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Level 1
This is OpenRiceMY Editor . I am a Editor
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Level 1
This is OpenRiceMY .
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Level 1
This is huiyingzk living in Petaling Jaya (South). I am a StudentI like to hang out in Bangsar, Petaling Jaya (South), Klang. Korean, Japanese, Western variety, Italian are my favorite cuisines. I also love Restaurant, Café, Stall / Warung and Buffet, Burgers / Sandwiches, Western Food.
Showing 1 to 5 OpenRicers of 5 Following