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EstherBaobei  Level 4
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Showing 46 to 50 of 99 Reviews in Malaysia
Waffles OK Aug 17, 2012   
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Categories : Western variety | Stall / Warung | Sweets/Snack | Desserts


I bought this at Tesco after done my shopping.
There are various types of jams and flavour to choose from, but I prefer the one with chocolates.
Very sweet and tasty indeed.
Best to eat when it is hot because the taste is nicer in my opinion.
The chocolate is very sweet and generous too.
A very cheap yet delicious snack that are ready on-the-go.
Definitely will make your stomach full too~!!
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Chicken Leg Lor Mee OK Jul 30, 2012   
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Categories : Malaysian variety | Food court | Seafood | Noodles

I don't usually eat Lor Mee.
However, I give it a try that day.

Chicken Leg Lor Mee
RM 3 per bowl

I find that the gravy is super thick.
The portion of the noodles given is quite small.
The taste is just okay.
However, I find that the ingredients given is a little too less.
Despite that, the gravy is not that tasty as well.
Even though the gravy is very thick, however the taste is not that great.
To me, it's actually quite tasteless as well.
Overall, a okay lor mee but not a great lor mee~!
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Mee Jawa Smile Jul 30, 2012   
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Categories : Malaysian variety | Food court | Seafood | Noodles

Lebuh Cecil Market is always crowded with people start from the early morning.
There were a lot of stalls operates there with selling tons of hawker food.

Mee Jawa
RM 3.20 per plate

Overall, I like the Mee Jawa very much.
It comes with noodles, egg, char siew, a prawn and tau kua.
I find that the gravy of the mee jawa is a little sweet.
I actually suggests and think that by putting in the chilly provided, that will makes your mee jawa taste better.
This will not make the gravy taste spicy at all.
So, don't worry if you could not eat chilly type of person~!
The portion of the noodles is quite a lot.
Price is also very reasonable and the service is very fast as well.
Overall, a very pleasant meal lol

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Fried Cempedak OK Jul 29, 2012   
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Categories : Malaysian variety | Café | Noodles

This small stall that located at the outside of Ho Khoon Café sells fried food.
From fried banana to fried sweet potato and fried cempedak, their basically did sell everything fried.


Fried Cempedak

Wondering what is cempedak call in English?
After I do some research with Google-ing, I found out that cempedak in English is a fruit resembling
the jack fruit.
First of all, I think the cempedak that they sell is very very oily.
Price is very reasonable and can be considered cheap too.
The cempedak that they use is pretty sweet.
Overall, I find that the food they sell is pretty ordinary and you can buy it easily from any stalls
by the road side too. shocked

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Ice Kacang OK Jul 25, 2012   
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Categories : Malaysian variety | Food court | Steaks / Chops | Noodles

I am not really a fan of ice kacang actually but due to super thirsty on that time,
I give it a shot~!RM 2.50

Overall, I think that the sweetness level is average.
Price is very reasonable as well.
Portion is quite a big bowl too xD
As usual, the ice kacang contains all the ingredients that any other ordinary ice kacang will have.
They do not add any special ingredients xD
Overall, not bad actually chopstick
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