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This is TheJessicat living in Damansara Perdana. I am a Blogger at TheJessicat.comI like to hang out in Kuala Lumpur City Center, Mutiara Damansara, Bangsar. Japanese, Middle Eastern, Mexican are my favorite cuisines. I also love and Seafood, Buffet, Steaks / Chops.
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Showing 1 to 5 of 35 Reviews in Malaysia
No Frills! Smile Dec 06, 2013   
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Categories : Western variety | Restaurant | Pizza/Pasta | Steaks / Chops | Private Party

Some time back, a group of friends decided to check out a newly opened restaurant called the Kitchen Creatures… and I was one of them to storm the place for the 1st time! Such a perky name, methinks.
Loved how notepaper-ish their menu resembled

Heck, it was really catchy too! Try reading it when you get there

I took a liking to their concept of a No Frills Dining. Nothing too fancy-pancy, yet delivers the bare necessities every hungry person yearns for. Food at no extra cost. This means, you’re only paying for your meals – NO GOVERNMENT TAXES, NO SERVICE CHARGES AND ETCETERA.

But tipping is certainly welcome! smile

We mingled around for a bit and took pretty pictures of the cosy and home-like outlet. Heck, there was even a Spiderman poster all framed up against the brick wall! And a chalkboard hung from the top.. pretty old skool ey!

The first appetizer came - it was Stuffed Mushrooms on the house specially for us! Such sweethearts, no? smile Perhaps it’s their method of a warm welcome. We were given plenty of these.

Was warm and juicy!

After skimming through all the food in the menu, I placed my dime upon the Carbonara Spaghetti. A personal favorite since childhood. And lookie here! A reasonably portioned plate of pasta of my choice arrived quite quickly with a couple of mussels and fresh shrimps too!

Certainly exceeding my expectations for the price that comes with it!

Apart from the Carbonara Spaghetti, there were many variants of our favorite pasta. Someone else at the table ordered Oglio Olio, which came with succulent shrimps as well.

Pretty soon, more yummy delights came a-knocking at our gastronomic gates! Similarly, the pizza was also specially made by Kitchen Creatures just for us. Soft melted cheese baked with a crunchy base no one could resist! They had a few toppings that came along with it too.

The other main courses that the rest ordered came in a jiffy too. The Monster Platter consisting of fried shrimp, calamari rings, mushrooms, fried chicken wings and nachos was a real combo! You certainly will not expect this for the price you’re forking out… more than what you bargained for!

Sirloin Steak, Monsterized Burger, Monster Platter and Bolognese Spaghetti

I liked how the Chicken and Mushroom Pie came in such bite-sized pieces! There was mash potatoes accompanying it too. Being a huge fan of pastries, I must say that these babies were relatively fulfilling lol Kudos

Can’t exactly remember what this was or who ordered it… but it looks pretty satisfying to me!

A good mixture of meat, veggies and pasta smile

After all that warm good meaty aftertaste, it’s good to flush them all down with some ice-cold drinks. Check out the Slimey George! It’s a mixture of Sprite + Ribena + Lemon. Mocktail much? lol The color that accompanied that concoction was really interesting too

Someone else ordered soup, and it arrived in due time as well. What a huge plate! It looks thick and rich, reminds me of beef stew! The noms lol

No complaints at all. Very good and quick service, witty staff, reasonably delicious food but most importantly, WORTH EVERY PENNY YOU’RE PAYING FOR!

All in all, it was a very pleasant dining experience! I would certainly recommend this to anyone planning to indulge in good food without having to make your wallets echo the next day. Perfect for a simple meal and even more perfect for that huge gathering of friends!







Date of Visit: Oct 25, 2012 

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Sanook! Smile Dec 06, 2013   
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Categories : Malaysian variety | European | Restaurant | Pizza/Pasta | Steaks / Chops | Group/Family dining | Private Party | Special Occasion Dining

The outlet in which we sat snugly was Sanook, a Restaurant & Bar set in a very serene stretch of other thriving food outlets by the Kelana Jaya lake.
But hey, if ya think beer ain’t enought to satiate your appetites, check out their other finger food too. There were also main courses, but it was already time for supper! So yeah, here’s what we ordered

Showdown! Pepperoni Pizza
Did I hear a soft tummy growl? tongue

Onion Rings!

Sautéed button mushrooms

Spicy sausages

Potatos in their jackets






Date of Visit: Jan 24, 2013 

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Wok this way! Smile Dec 06, 2013   
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Categories : Western variety | Restaurant | Pizza/Pasta | Steaks / Chops

When the family comes down to visit me, many a time I’ve been asked by my mom or grandma :

“Jess, where should we all go eat today?”
Only to frown upon my answer :
“Ermm. idk anything. Chilis or Sushi Zanmai?”
Sometimes, my whole motley crew of a family would appreciate nothing but Chinese food. Yeah, they occasionally prefer those oriental delights of which I don’t know much about. Neither do I know where to take them to, should they opt for Chinese cuisines.

But with invitations courtesy of CK, Mr. Robert Yeoh and chef-son Mervyn, I know just exactly where to bring my family to now.. and so do you! Behold the glorious Penang Hawker Food and Nyonya cuisine!

Now seriously, everyone can get a taste of original Penang food in The Wok Cafe. It’s actually a sister outlet to Hot Wok in Penang itself. There’s no wonder why it tastes like the same real shiznit. The ingredients and recipes are sourced from the island itself… travelling chefs yo.

The traditional Kiam Chye Boey Soup.
A powerful combo of salty preserved veggies, tomatoes and duck.
Apart from tasting the food, I couldn’t help but to dart my eyes across the room. The interior is really one deserving a standing ovation. It’s so intricately built with fine carvings, authentic Chinese-themed furniture and oriental antiques on display that it’s really hard not to think of the place as an ancient eatery from the early dynasties.

I immediately took a fancy to how the entire place was set as well. With neatly placed round tables and bamboo-looking chairs, I envisioned a sense of familiarity – a typical home of a Chinese family. (or a Petronas ad LOL)

Those dim spotlights which hung low from the ceiling above gave a very warm and cosy ambience. The bowls were of course, decorated with some very unique Mandarin designs imprinted on it.

CK also introduced me to this dish called Inche Kabin. It’s this Nyonya-style fried marinaded chicken drummets, of which my tastebuds initially mistook as Pandan Chicken.

It tasted wonderful. By the looks of it, I was expecting the usual dry and deep fried chicken drummets but no. The moment I took a bite, I knew I wanted a 2nd one. The flesh was relatively tender, the skin was crispy and the mix of spicyish-tangy-wow-idk-how-to-describe-it flavour was just fabulous!

There were so many people in the house and more lining up outside during lunch hour! As I observed, The Wok Cafe’s customers were made up of mostly Chinese families or working adults in groups of 2-8 people. Or other food-lovers likes us!

This one’s my favorite. Ima huge fan of mangoes! And this one is an awesome blend of Cendol and Mango bits. Goodness me. The fragrant coconut milk a.k.a santan and the way they did it with the mangoes was rad! I’m certainly coming back for this one.

Oh yes.. here’s The Wok Cafe’s version of Ice-Kacang!

That signature bowl of shredded ice, kidney beans, coconut milk, sago and many more makes their ice-kacang one of the favorite desserts to end a complete meal.





Date of Visit: Oct 26, 2012 

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Le Meridien Smile Nov 05, 2013   
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Categories : Italian | Restaurant | Pizza/Pasta | Seafood | Sweets/Snack

Feeling slightly restless, I started walking around to check out the grandeur of this vicinity Floor-to-ceiling windows, crystal chandeliers and polished doors fringed with sturdy wooden frames. What I'd give to live here ;)


A whole friggin' table of canapes!


Anis and I certainly enjoyed the tapas food there


Loved the Bruschetta's there too. They had choices Tomato, Basil, Smoked Salmon and Tuna.

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Toh Yuen Reunion Dinner! Smile Nov 04, 2013   
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Categories : Chinese | Restaurant | Seafood | Private Party | Special Occasion Dining

i was at Tong Yuen in Hilton Hotel last week to taste their auspicious set menus and CNY delicacies
First thing I saw as I stepped in:

Mandarin ducks, money frogs and china teapots. I started taking pictures of this very impressive, spacious and lavish Chinese restaurant.

Oh and I also learned that Toh Yuen is adjoined to the al-fresco and swimming pool area

Pretty good idea for weddings to be held! Nice place to entertain guests and throw the after-party too!

Separated only by a huge glass door smile

I then took my time to walk back to my table. But still, not a single soul to be seen yet.

So I made use of the glass mirrors they had all over the walls for some self-absorbed entertainment

After catching up and chit chatting, it was time to bring out the food

Toh Yuen's Yee Sang specials was the highlight of their Fatt Choy (fortune and prosperity) menu selections

Crackers represents happiness, peanut and sesame symbolizes harvest, oil represents wealth,

pomelo means good luck, raw seafood symbolizes life and longevity.

I especially loved their Sliced Abalone yee sang. It was fresh, tasty and had that tinge of sweet-sourness in it. The abalone came in abundance and it was very delicious and chewy too (I initially thought it looked like chicken slices before I had a bite of it! LOL)

The 2nd course that arrived was Braised Shark Fin Soup with Crab Meat and Roe.

Trust me, I've eaten this since my childhood days and there isn't really a complete Chinese dinner without it.

Served hot right outta the pot, it was just as good as what my tastebuds imagined it to be. You can never go wrong!

3rd Course : Deep Fried Chicken in 2 Flavours

Now this one was rather outta the ordinary smile

This poultry dish came with chicken – cooked in 2 different styles – encircled around each other. Yup, it was plated in a very pleasant way! The chicken with the darker sauce stayed in the middle while the whiter chicken surrounded it.

I loved the darker chicken while some of the others preferred the whiter one. Ohwell, looks like both of it were popular among us anyway; seeing that this dish was finished in such a jiffy!
After chicken, came the fish

4th course : Steamed Fish Pomfret with Soy Sauce

This fish fanatic is at it again. White pomfrets are one of my favorite types of fish, apart from Salmon and Snowfish. It was so fresh that I reckon it was just caught right off the sea yesterday! tongue None of that stinky stale stench that some fishes tend to have.

The flesh was tender and was made right for our palate.

5th course : Stir Fried King Prawns in Pineapple Sauce

Now if the fish dish didn't exist, this one would most definitely fall in line being my favorite of the lot!

The prawns were really soft and succulent to the last bite! Kinda the type that melts in your mouth lol The tangy natural flavour of the pineapple complemented this dish very well too.

I like how most Chinese chefs cut up lotsa random things that their instincts tell them *might* just make the perfect dish and voila! It DID end up perfect after all.

The broccoli came cooked with so many other ingredients and condiments that it was bursting with flavour








Date of Visit: Feb 01, 2013 

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