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Yue Rain
This is Yue Rain living in Mersing Town. I am a student, work in Mersing Town. I like to hang out in Mersing Town. Japanese, Chinese, Malaysian variety are my favorite cuisines. I also love and Dim sum, Desserts, Seafood.
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Yue Rain  Level 3
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I am a Malaysian girl that loves beauty, food and health. I am naturally picky when it comes to food as i believe in you are what you eat.
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When I was walking passed this restaurant, I always wonder about the price and whether it is good. Thanks to a friend's recommendation I decided to try it. There are few sets to choose for lunch and since I am curious about the Lot...

Nice food and service  Smile  2014-10-18
This is the restaurant that I will patron most of the time. The reason is because their food has the most value for money compare to other restaurant. The portion is big and the price is cheaper than the other Chinese restaurant avai...

This is a restaurant in Kluang. It is on the same row as KFC so it should not be hard to find. This restaurant serves mostly western food and some cakes.the interior of Loading Bay The interior design is actually romantic so i...
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