012-691 6576
Opening Hours
Tue - Sun
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Paper Wrapped Chicken Stewed Pork Trotters with Vinegar Yong Tau Fu
Review (1)
Level4 2012-09-23
A few days ago a friend suggested that we pop by USJ to have some yong tau fu. Apparently, this yong tau fu is famed for its huge portion of fish paste stuffings. Margaret Yong Tau Fu, serves paper wrapped chicken as well. When we reached at 1215pm, the lunch crowd has yet to appear, but the waitress was not really efficient. We had to signal a few times before getting attention, and had to wait for about 15 minutes even though not many tables were filled. Anyhow, we waited eagerly for the food to arrive.First up, the fish cake. Big portion for just 1 order. The fish cake was served piping hot. Slightly chewy, the fish cake skin is crispy and the inside is soft. It tastes best when dipped in the sweet brown sauce that is normally served with yong tau fu. Then came the stuffed brinjal and fried bean curd sheet. I was never a big fan of brinjals, and this was no exception as I feel that the brinjals was tasteless even after dipping into the sweet sauce. However, both my colleagues were raving over the awesomely fried bean curd sheet. That, I truly agree. Crunchy and fresh, the sheet was filled with generous portions of fish paste, each mouthful was yum! Then came the fried taupok, white tau fu, lady’s fingers and bittergourd. The fried taupok was solidly filled with the fish paste, juicy and very filling. The white tau fu was smooth and full of soy taste, and it goes very well with white rice. The lady’s finger was plump and juicy, but the bittergourd was overly done, resulting in it being shrunken and dried.Overall, it was a good meal. Total bill came up to RM39 for the 3 of us, including rice and herbal tea. Not the best yong tau fu that I have ever had, but it’s conveniently located near the office, so I would probably come again if I have a real craving for yong tau fu. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)