03-4043 2546
03-4050 0893
Opening Hours
Tue - Fri
08:00 - 20:00
Sat - Sun
08:00 - 18:00
Public Holiday
08:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Banana Almond Tart Millefeuille au Fraise (Seasonal) Pistachio Raison Bread (Seasonal) Succès au Chocolate
Review (4)
吃货们应该都对阿贤主持的本土美食节目不陌生吧?相较于一些过份商业包装的美食节目,阿贤生动的介绍,以及真正了解美食背后的故事和意义,就显得人性化许多了。多年前,我曾经看过一集提到一家在 Jalan Ipoh 的小面包店,老板很有性格,卖的都是工匠面包,让我留下深刻的印像。无奈面包店的位置有点远,一直找不到时间来造访。趁着年底休假,要去旅游的话人多车多,所以我和某人决定留守在 KL,拿出 checklist,把之前想做又没时间做的,一一把它给完成,包括要把这家非一般的面包店给找出来。车子经过 Jalan Ipoh 两旁的旧式店屋,这里好有老吉隆坡的风味啊!就好像印像中小时候的茨厂街。导航系统把我们带到一栋公寓 Viva Residency 的前面,公寓底楼有两排商店,我们要找的 Tommy le Baker 就隐藏在这个闹市中带点恬静的地方。进入店里,最先感受到的就是店里飘散的面包香。工匠面包 artisan bread,也有人称它作乡村面包或欧式面包,特点在于使用传统的手法、全天然的材料、全手工制作的面包。Tommy le Baker 的老板从法国学艺,回国后不顾别人的眼光,不计较盈利,一心只想把最真实和天然的面包带给他的顾客。店里放了很多和法国有关的摆设,还有和面包有关的书籍,老板的题字更是出现在店里的各个角落。柜台旁的小木柜放了很多做好的面包,全都没有花俏的外形,看起来硬邦邦、一大颗圆圆的,这就是最典型的工匠面包。在阿贤的节目里,老板提到说往往会有顾客指着他的面包问 "Dalam ada apa?" 里面有什么馅料。老板无奈地耸耸肩,我们城市人就是习惯了白白嫩嫩,添加了柔软剂、人工酵母、催化剂等等,以机器大量生产的面包,然后里面可以有甜的咸的各种馅料,谁还会在乎什么天然不天然的。Tommy le Baker 的面包,有的放了杂粮,有的是干果和坚果,更重要的是里面放了“良心”两个字。每一个面包都是师傅用心制作的艺术品。面包店里的柜台和用餐区并不大,占了店里最多空间的,就是面包师傅的工作台和两间保持恒温的小房间,我想这应该是用来培养天然酵母和让面团发酵的地方。展示柜里的面包价格不贵,一个比我头还大的面包,价格不到 RM10,老板做面包有良心,价格也很有良心。我承认我是普通人,dalam tak ada apa-apa 的工匠面包我可能没那么容易接受,所以我点了吞拿鱼法国面包 Tuna baguette。面包送到桌上的时候,我伸手一碰到包装纸,是热的!(左)Chicken baguette 1/2 length - RM10.60,(右)Tuna baguette 1/2 length - RM10.60师傅把面包微微地烤了一下,外头好香脆,里面的芝士也融化了,和吞拿鱼混合在一起。吞拿鱼并没有放美乃滋,所以鱼肉碎松松散散地一边吃一边散落到桌子上,吃相好狼狈哦!不过这么一来少了美乃滋的高卡路里,加上里面夹了番茄片和葵花籽,整个就是很健康的感觉。另一份鸡肉片法国面包,用的是鸡胸肉,味道就略嫌清淡,没有吞拿鱼那么富有层次感。强烈建议在这里堂食,因为师傅会把面包烘热得刚刚好。光顾的当天,老板 Tommy Lee 坐在用餐区,时而跟顾客寒暄,时而拿些自家的面包,涂些果酱吃了起来。柜台点餐和制作面包由小师傅一把罩。上门的顾客几乎全都是熟客,和老板就像老朋友一般的互动,画面好温情哦!我也好希望有一天可以开一家这样的小店。。。有时候我觉得,这家面包店好像不应该开在这个钢骨森林里,它是属于法国的浪漫小镇的,也许在在那里它会有遇上更多懂得欣赏工匠面包的知音人。By 阿七 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-09-27
For fans of bread & cakes, here's a double dose of destinations for us to pursue pastry passions & abandon Atkins aspirations. First up, Tommy Le Baker, a small bakery-cafe hidden in a Sentul apartment block, run by a Malaysian-born pastry chef who honed his craft in France. Tommy Le Baker's specialties include baguettes & sourdough bread, but we only tried his tarts. This apple confection was a joy _ flaky & full of ripe fruit. Banana tart, warmed up on order. Respectably moist, not overly sugary. Latte & caffe mocha. Steaming-hot beverages might not have been the wisest order at an outlet that lacks air-conditioning.Tommy's credentials _ an assurance that standards here are high. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-08-15
This La Joconde (House cake), cost RM12.00 per slice caught my attention immediately among the rest of the cakes. As each slice has been placed in a tracing paper, it gave me the impression that the cake must be "fragile" means soft and breakable easily. We asked for "take-away", hence, when the attendant passed to me the box, I held it gently in case I would break the "fragile" cake. I love the idea for having different flavour and taste which the cake came in three layers with coffee, chocolate and almond sponge cake topped with fresh cream. Oh dear, the cake was "light" to eat, I think, I could have 3 slices at once. I could taste the fresh cream was made of egg white and the coffee flavour mousse were both soft in texture. When came to the delectable chocolate mousse layer, it was rich with bitter sweet taste which is of my liking then down to the base which is the almond sponge cake. The almond sponge cake was fluffy in texture. I personally could not get the almond taste unless the sponge is made slightly taller for better tasting. Truly with great satisfaction on the stomach and ended with a big smile on the face. Thanks to my FB for his great thought who brought me to this place. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)