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Signature Dishes
Caramelise Banana Pizza Grilled Chicken Thigh Bailey Soufflé
Review (2)
Level2 2016-05-17
Located at a corner of Sutera is UFB. It's one of the newer comers to Sutera, having just opened it doors just under  a year ago. It is more well-known for their desserts, such as cakes and their newly created parfaits, which has been hitting instagram.The second you waltz through the front door, you cannot help but turn and stare at the huge cake displays. All the cake slices are priced at 7.90RM++, the more interesting cakes that caught my eyes were the ondeh ondeh cake, and the Cheesy Pleasure. They also sold a wide range of cheesecakes like (red velvet, green tea mousse, oreo, new york, triple) I counted at least 7 variations of cheesecakes!1. Blue Coral 7.90RM++I had seen posts of a blue colour coffee at UFB and couldn't find it on the menu. The staff couldn't really speak english so I just whipped out my phone and pulled out an iphone picture and the staff immediately understood what I wanted.Yes, it is a pretty shade of blue, but disappointingly, it just tasted strange, almost like a cup of bubble gum flavoured water. It wasn't hot, it was mildly lukewarm at best. There was barely any latte art either, in comparison to the instagram posts I had seen earlier. Maybe it's because I visited on  a saturday night at 9pm+ and they were swarmed with orders and can't cope? I'm not giving any excuses for them, but I would just consider this as a novelty drink. I should've just gone for an actual coffee drink instead.2. Lychee Martini Souffle 16.90RM++I had never seen or tried a lychee martini souffle before and I was intrigued to try one. It took probably 20 minutes for them to prepare this, which was expected. The souffle was soft with a fragrant egg aroma which got me all excited. The egg souffle was light with a smooth, melt-in-mouth texture that resembled a hybrid of wipped cream and milk foam. I'll admit having tried other souffles before. This definitely wasn't on the top of the "Must Try" souffes. The lychee martini taste was so subtle, I felt like I partially cheated lol. Nonetheless, for souffleholics, they might be satisfied with the strong notes of egg goodness! 3. Ondeh Ondeh Cake 7.90RM++I love ondeh ondeh cakes and thanks to the friendly staff behind the counter, this girl spoke mandarin! Woohoo! We can communicate! She recommended me to try this and I was blown away. The soft, cushiony ondeh ondeh sponge was chiffon-like, so light, so soft and so fluffy! Though the ondeh ondeh flavour wasn't intesnse, the layers of gula melaka in between the sponge was distinct with a sweet note. Sweet enough to be eaten on its own. The ondeh ondeh cakes here are officially my favourite. 4. Cheesy Pleasure 7.90RM++Instead of getting a cheesecake, I decided to go with Cheesy Pleasure which was topped off with shreds of cheese! The white cake sponges was milky and sweet. They layers of cheese in between the sponges hd full-bodied notes of cheese flavour, coupled with the lingering sweetness in the shredded cheese. The cake was soft, fluffy and not too dense. Definitely another clear winner here at UFB. Overall : Skip the novelty drink and souffle, go for the cakes! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
「三合一咖啡」大家都熟悉,「三合一餐廳」你應該是第一次聽過吧?我相信大家都好奇什麼是三合一餐廳,不想走寶的話就請跟隨我一起去揭開UFB-Union Fashion Bar的神秘面紗吧!也許你已在好奇不是在說餐廳嗎,怎麼變成了時尚Fashion了?原來這獨特的店名有著那麼一段故事。。「我覺得食物本身就是一種藝術,它需要衣服包裝,要經常更換外表,才能滿足顧客的好奇心。」創辦人葉展麒在餐飲業已有多年經驗,對食物的要求不僅注重於味覺,更延伸至視覺享受。最令我期待的是UFB還會更換主題呢!它會在不同季節更改餐廳的色系或擺設,讓顧客永遠對UFB抱著期待。畢竟人是貪圖新鮮的,一成不變的餐廳去久了也會膩,所以時尚(Fashion)就派上用場啦!不但如此,食物擺盤方便UFB更是大膽創新,就好比說你怎麼都不會想像到西餐也能擺放在日式碟子上吧?光聽這一點就讓我好想去探個究竟!那麼多的創新概念頓時讓我覺得食物原來也可以很創新、很藝術。設計簡單的Menu,讓大家一目了然。復古創新是UFB的獨特風格,帶有歐美風的設計概念把餐廳顯得格外時尚。UFB設有戶外和室內座位,裝潢色系以黑灰為主,搭配的紅色沙發被突顯的更加完美。說了這麼多還沒正式介紹我所謂的三合一餐廳其實包含了烘焙咖啡廳(Bakery Cafe)、正式餐廳(Full Dining)以及酒吧(Bar)。UFB是新山首家擁有完善的一站式餐廳,讓顧客們不必東奔西跑便能在同一家餐廳享有不同層次的食物和飲料,絕對是個休閒聚餐的好去處。這幅3D畫是葉先生的寶貝,也是他之前在印尼的隊友遠道而來為UFB設計的代表畫。「UFB是我的個性,它代表了我的性格;就像是一個中年人想走進年輕人的世界,把我自己喜愛的作品呈現給大家。」以自己的個性為主題是葉先生一心想打造的餐廳,你不難發現餐廳的每一個角落其實都代表了他的內心世界。都代表了他的內心世界。如果你仔細看看UFB的招牌你會發現1998其實也是個重點。詢問之下才得知原來葉先生就是在那一年踏入六餐飲業,這一年對他特別有意義,所以他決定把1998加入UFB的招牌,讓顧客更加瞭解餐廳的意義。好啦,一口氣介紹了那麼多餐廳的背景,相信大家最在意的還是食物的味道!Green Paradise with Longan, RM10.90清涼解渴的這款飲料是黃瓜、酸酐、龍眼和蘇打的結合品,在炎熱的天氣喝下就是舒服!Mango Passion Mint Blend Alovera, RM11.90喜歡芒果口味的朋友們也可以試試這含有鰐梨的芒果沙冰。解決飲料,我們來看看UFB的主打美食。雖然餐點都已西餐為主,但也不忘提供亞洲食物,讓顧客們有更多的選擇。Smoked Duck Salad, RM10.90Spicy plum smoked duck breast and house green salad served with dried cranberry & caramelise cashew nut.前菜先來盤熏鴨肉沙拉吧!喜歡那泰式辣椒醬的搭配,酸辣口味真讓我味蕾大開,好吃!UFB Chicken Pizza, RM16.90Chicken ham, bell pepper & mushroom top with half baked egg, cheddar & mozzarella cheese bottom with crispy tortilla.你可能會覺得奇怪怎麼披薩中間放著荷包蛋?經過老闆解釋才得知原來蛋黃也可以是其中一種醬料。葉先生說亞洲人不愛吃乾巴巴的食物,麵包配雞蛋是最傳統的吃法,所以他靈機一動把荷包蛋放在披薩上,讓大家沾著醬汁一起下肚,這太有創意了吧!來,吃片薄披薩吧❤Salmon Fried Rice, RM21.90Black olive pesto fried rice served with pan-seared salmon steak, house green & fried egg.三文魚炒飯是中西合併的餐點。香煎三文魚配上黑橄欖醬料炒飯,味道真的很不錯,而且份量很大,絕對值得。Grilled Butter Fish, RM22.90Grilled butter fish, mashroom potato & sautée mixed veggie (French bean & carrot) served with spicy tomato cream sauce.個人還蠻喜歡這道香烤鯧魚,兩大片厚實的魚肉,再加上底層的馬鈴薯泥和蔬菜,這一碟我真飽。如果你覺得肉太幹了,那就讓一旁的蕃茄醬汁發揮作用吧。酸酸甜甜的醬汁讓你吃起來更開胃哦!大家有沒有發現食物都是用日式碟子盛裝呢?這些小小的創意都是老闆的用心哦!滿滿一桌的美味食物,你說我能不心動嗎?❤(好啦,吃了我真的會運動 ><)Cold Press Juice, RM11.90老闆強力推薦的冷壓縮果汁(Cold Press Juice)是目前歐美最新的低溫冷榨技術,被擠壓出的果汁能保留更高的營養成份,比起傳統鮮榨果汁被氧化的機率更低,帶給顧客更健康的選擇。我說,我真的愛上了這冷壓縮果汁。沒有一絲的外加水份,全都是鮮甜的黃梨和蔬菜汁,這味道太好了!健康的Cold Press Juice,你真的要試試。好啦,吃完正餐,是時候看看甜點了。葉先生對烘培很有研究,曾經到過法國巴黎受訓的他對甜點的要求一點都不低。他希望透過甜點讓顧客享受幸福的一刻,所以堅持以最好的材料烘培出口感極佳的甜點。Valrhona Chocolate Soufflé, RM15.90Authentic valrhona dark chocolate soufflé served with vanilla ice cream沒有甜品怎麼能稱得上是完整的一餐呢?老闆特別介紹的蛋奶酥(soufflé)真的讓我吃了停不了口❤熱騰騰的柔軟蛋奶酥配上一旁的冰涼香草雪糕,那一冷一熱的交替口感真的很棒。我相信這款法式甜點絕不會讓你失望❤正餐和甜點都介紹過啦,我們來看看酒吧(Bar)的部份。如果你厭倦了吵雜的喝酒環境,想要靜下來和朋友小酌一番,那UFB酒吧一定非常適合你。這裡打破傳統,沒有High到爆的氣氛,卻有一絲絲溫馨浪漫的氛圍。哪天想喝酒不妨到這兒坐坐吧!一直都很認同用餐不僅需要找到合適的口味,氣氛也是相當的重要。大家還是自己來體驗這家獨特的三合一餐廳吧!最後,謝謝葉先生的誠意邀請及招待,UFB的食物味道絕對值得大家去嘗試。UFB座落於五福城附近的Taman Sutera Utama,就在Paparich隔條小路的旁邊,很好找哦。UFB-Union Fashion BarNo 24, Jalan Sutera Tanjung 8/4,Taman Sutera Utama,81300 Johor Bahru.FacebookTel: 016 7199809 營業時間:Sunday - Thursday: 12pm - 12.30amFriday - Saturday: 12pm - 1.30am喜歡的朋友們,別忘了到面子書按一按贊哦❤吃吃喝喝。看世界。www.facebook.com/eatandtraveltheworld continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)