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Signature Dishes
Aiskrim Goyang Laksam Nasi Biryani Nyonya Laksa
Review (1)
Level2 2013-12-21
This is my second time visit to the Sunway Pyramid Shopping Mall... I have found a restaurant which sell the most delicious asam laksa that I have never eat before... The 'Penang Asam Laksa' is actually quite good compare to the real thing at Penang... The taste of the Penang Asam Laksa is really good... The peppermint fresh up the taste of the Penang Asam Laksa... The soup is really taste good with the fish and some lime inside... It's really a good memory while enjoy eating the Penang Asam Laksa there... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)