Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
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Open Till Late
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Signature Dishes
Ikan Asam Pedas Mutton Soup Oxtail Soup Rendang Padang
Review (15)
Level4 2014-01-14
In celebration of their 8th anniversary, Enak KL introduced their five course menu beginning with the delicious and tempting Udang Kepompong Daun Selasih. In fine dining fashion, the deep fried prawns came beautifully decorated, but unlike usual small portions usually found in fine dining dishes, here they prepared two pieces, which satisfied both my senses and stomach. Wrapped in fresh basil leaves and strips of wonton skin is paired with Enak KL’s signature dipping sauce, I do like the savoury freshness of this prawn dish. Did you know Enak KL's logo itself is symbolic representation of the wild ferns? It came together with this fish dish offering, the Ikan Bakar Kulat Paku. Using the butterfish, grilled and laden with wild ferns, wild forest mushrooms, and a touch of light lemongrass and coconut milk gravy, it was delicious to say the least. Grilled, without being over cooked, I like butterfish because they taste good, and do not leave that fishy taste in your mouth. Also the wild ferns and wild forest mushrooms were a nice touch, sun dried before being cooked and added to this simply but yummy dish. Up next was the Sotong Sumbat Kelapa Muda, one whole piece of grilled fresh squid stuffed with young coconut and chilli. Even though I wasn't a very big fan of squids, but this one had this creamy savoury flavour to it attributed by the combination of creamy sauce, chilli, and coconut. Sweet and savoury, the dish came in a rather large serving, a good thing if you asked me. Next was the poultry dish, served in fine dining fashion, the Ayam Lengkuas Bayam Merah. The boneless chicken leg was simmered then grilled then served on a bed of sautéed red spinach. Stacked up, with the spinach sandwiched in between, it was a rather pretty presentation. Personally I loved the fact the chicken was so tender and felt apart at the first bite. The sweet sauce added zing to this succulent and rich dish. Dessert came last, in the form of the Manisan Kelapa Muda Enak Pisang Raja. It was indeed a sweet end to a night of good food. The banana used was the really sweet Pisang Raja, lightly caramelised. It was a marriage of classical favourites with a dash of contemporary delight. The Manisan Kelapa Muda was really sweet too, made from creamy custard with rich young coconut flesh. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-05-20
Green sago with evaporated milk and palm sugarI am not sure whether the green color is naturalBut it did look intimidatingWhat I like is it is not too sweetIt had just the right amount of milk and sugarWhay made this dish even more special is the tropical fruitsFresh diced mangoFresh sliced jack fruitAnd a single red cherry with mint leaf as garnish A perfect finish continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-03-27
Kelakar masa memula order makan tu, waiter tu cakap makanan je order. Minuman akan diberi percuma. Bila tanya air apa? Diorang kata special. Nervous + excited sebab nak minum air 'special'. Sekali sampai, laaaa....air sirap bandung je ke? Walaupun nampak sikit airnya tapi memang puaslah nak habiskan. Yelah kan, dengan makanan lagi, air lagi.Sirap bandung di Enak KL memang terasa lemak. Yang penting sangat sejuk buat kita terasa nyaman je bila teguk air tu dan kurang manis. I like! Sambil tunggu makanan, diorang hidangkan jugak dengan keropok malinjau.Rasa keropok malinjau ni ada pahit-pahit sikit tapi kalau makan dengan nasi, memang ummpphhh. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-12-24
Sit back on the bean bag chairs, then enjoy Enak's lovely setting and stellar service. The MIGF menu here costs RM145++ for five courses without booze. Udang Kepompong Seri Selasih (chrysalis prawns wrapped in wonton skin cocoon with finely chopped fresh basil). Fresh and crispy; tasted kinda Oriental though. Sup Ekor Kasturi (oxtail soup with a squeeze of calamansi juice). Decent, but you might find a more flavour-packed version at some neighbourhood warung. Asam Pedas Chenohnom Bunga Kantan (baked salmon in a traditional southern recipe with laksa leaf and chopped wild ginger torch bud). Not quite successful; this preparation turned the salmon into something that tasted like the tenggiri curry at mamak outlets. Gulai Ayam Cendawan Sisik (grilled chicken with ground spice gravy and forest mushrooms sauteed with wild fern shoots and garlic). Despite the rather Western presentation, this tasted totally local, bursting with all the aromas associated with Malay cuisine. Sri Anta Kesuma (sweet potato and pumpkin seeped in coconut milk). Well-prepared comfort food, though not exactly unforgettable. Pineapple Ambrosia mocktail, Bloody Mary cocktail and KL Life cocktail (cherry syrup, ginger ale, pineapple juice, triple sec, whiskey). continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
i'm never a Malay food supporter until i started my working life~ now even keen to find out how's Malay cuisine fine dining like... Enak KL in Starhill Gallery is really serving 'enak' food...it was not easy for us to reach Enak KL...it was our second visit to Starhill Gallery and the first time was a few years back...we parked our car at their basement parking field...and we went to Feast Floor according to the address from the car park lift...but, it didn't lead us to the right place...it was another level of parking field...later on only we found out, we got to go into Starhill Gallery's lobby before we can get to any restaurants~i didn't get to take good picture of the interior of Enak KL due to the deemed lights...but the ambiance was really good... they have very nice interior decorations as well~it was packed with lunch crowd... and we got seated at a private corner... =)they were having the promotion: 4 dishes with plain rice and free flow Ice Lemon Tea for 2 at RM 59.90...as soon as we were seated, the waiter brought us the menu and served the free flow Ice Lemon Tea which included in the set lunch...let's see what we got for our brunch that day~a richly flavoured chicken dish simmered in coconut cream with accent of ground cumin and coriander by star aniseed, cardamom, and fresh curry leaves...it was my first time having Ayam Kari Utara...never even know about it before that~very flavourful and chicken cooked to perfection~very tender and goes very well with rice...tenderloin slice sauteed with candlenut and ground spice lightly flavoured with a sweet soya sauce...it was also a new dish to me...tenderloin was juicy with fragrance of the spices and sweet soya sauce...another good dish! sea mackerel fillets cooked in a richly flavoured curry sauce with fresh lady's fingers, tomatoes a melange of whole spices and fresh curry leaves...this was awesome! i finished all the gravy in the plate...and i had more rice than what i normally take...the fish was fresh and cooked to perfection~ yummy! fresh convolvulus cooked in an intensely flavoured chili shrimp paste...Malay style Kangkong Belacan...a very nice one with fragrance of belacan and young Kangkong~dessert of the day - Pengat Pisang...also my first try... (i'm not a good Malaysian~ >.<)this hot dessert was great!banana served in coconut milk with Gula Malacca and sago...so nice~ i wish they could give me another one...i think i might try to make my own Pengat Pisang... ^^Enak KL is serving first class Malay cuisine...the prices are affordable for special occasions...most importantly, their service is first class too...no matter crowded during the lunch time,they still served with friendly smile on their face... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)