03-6201 1833
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
Alcohol served
Smoking Section
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Poh Teh Chicken Perut Ikan Kiam Hu Curry(Salted Fish Curry) Curry Chicken Kapitan Ju Hu Char Ayam Buah Keluak(Black Fruit)
Review (3)
我光顾过这家Aunty Nat 不少次,可是多数是去Mid Valley 那家,在Sri Hartamas 的这间我还是第一次来。他们的食物融合了泰国和本地食物,你可以从餐牌上看到泰式的甜点,汤和鱼料理,也可以看到我们熟悉的广式炒面等的选择。来上两道我来这里最爱点的两道炒饭 (面哩? 今天没有,谁叫我是饭桶,嘿嘿!)Thai Fried Rice- RM10, Fried Egg- RM2好喜欢这道炒饭,饭炒得松软不沾粘,泰国辣椒的风味很浓烈,配料有鸡肉块,虾仁和鱼饼等简单的材料,吃的时候挤上酸柑汁,酸酸辣辣,非常开胃, 我大爱。Spicy petai fried rice- RM12, Fried Egg- RM2臭豆这样东西就好像榴莲一样,喜欢的人很喜欢,讨厌的人很讨厌它,恰巧我是属于喜欢1的那一卦,所以这道炒饭我也很喜欢, 配料和泰式炒饭相似,不过调味方面就不像泰式炒饭般浓郁,臭豆是支柱,喜欢吃臭豆原本的风味的朋友应该会喜欢这个。**话说臭豆有个美丽的学名, 叫美丽球花豆,人家一点都不臭捏。Crunchy ruby yam- RM6这个甜品也是我爱点的,椰浆风味的甜汤里头有软濡的芋头块和红红一颗颗裹了粉浆的马蹄粒,闪闪发亮如如宝石般,很赏心悦目呢。味道当然也是不错滴,很适合当饭后甜点!整体不用我多说,我很喜欢这里的 食物,价钱又不会贵,太棒了 ♡♡KC ZPL <我就是爱喂相机有奖竞赛>。。。赶快到我们的FB专页去参加游戏吧!好久没跟大家玩游戏了!这次我们想把吃货精神传染给大家,来个喂相机的有奖竞赛!奖品有KC 从泰国带回来的大容量猫头鹰化妆包(3x)还有阿七从巴厘岛搜回来的可爱小熊毛巾 (1x)和咖啡套装(1x)奖品一共有5份,伙伴们快来参加!优胜者不管身在地球何处,我们都会把奖品寄给你!!参加方法:1。把这个竞赛的帖子分享在你的脸书,并设置为’Public’.2。在这个帖子下留言和传上一张原创的美食照片(可以是自己的料理,可以是在外面吃到的食物),只要是美食就通通照杀。3。在照片下简单地注明美食的名称以及在哪里吃到即可。规则:1。要记得是原创的照片,一旦发现是抄袭/盗用的作品,参赛资格一律取消。2。一位参赛者只限上传一张照片。3。照片和介绍最棒的参赛者会在竞赛结束后的2个星期内收到通知,奖品会以邮寄的方式送到。4。优胜者的礼物会根据抽签系统分配。5。截止日期: 29 June 2016, 11.59pm continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-05-25
今天来到这里吃午餐,点了个炒粿条,等了一下,因为没太多人,顺带一提,他们的凉茶还蛮好喝的,自家制的吧。炒粿条就普普通通,虽然不至于不好吃,可是就是少了点锅气,可以再好一点。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-04-19
Aunty Nat at Sri Hartamas is located amidst a simple row of shop houses facing the main housing area of Sri Hartamas. It's within walking distance of most houses; which makes it really convenient for those living in the area. The interior though not really huge is pretty cosy too.. with simple but well decorated wooden tables and chairs. They serve what I feel is Nyonya Fusion.. with dishes like tweaked pongteh chicken, Nasi Lemak Chicken Rendang, Kuey Teow, etc. My favorite's definitely teh Nasi Lemak Chicken REndang. The chicken is cooked to perfection and the rendang sauce's really rich and yummy! The other dishes unfortunately for me are so-so only. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)