03-2274 1842
Opening Hours
Tue - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
17:30 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Butter Chicken Hainanese Chicken Chop Rice & Stewed Spare Ribs with Potato Sweet & Sour Pork
Review (19)
那天在网上看到有部落客介绍新记的海南猪扒,我心里就盘算着什么时候要来试一试,因为那卖相跟我小时候回忆中的海南猪扒很像,所以心里有一股莫名的期待。 新记在 Brickfields 的芸芸印度餐厅里面显得有点突兀,但是上门的华裔和印裔客人都很多,用餐时间前来还需要等位呢!先别说食物,这里面的装潢就保留着九十年代餐室的风味。 海南猪扒 - RM13.50 卖相跟小时候吃过的很像,猪扒是用猪肉碎捏成肉饼做成的,这的确是我对海南猪扒的第一印像,心中对它的好感又增添了几分。肉饼里面的瘦肉居多,所以整体有点松散,沾上一点海南扒汁,嗯~这跟我小时候吃过的很像。唯一不同的是,这里的肉饼做得太厚,相对的外围被煎过的范围就减少了,不够香。 配菜是简单的炸薯块、烤番茄、茄汁豆和青豆,这也是海南扒的经典配搭。配上海南扒的酱汁,好赞! 海南鸡扒 - RM13.50 这跟海南猪扒很像,也是把鸡肉碎捏成肉饼香煎而成的。和猪扒的口感相比,我觉得鸡肉的比较嫩,难得这次我把票投给了海南鸡扒,在味道都不错的情况下,鸡肉比较讨喜的口感略胜一筹。 龙眼罗汉果 - RM5 腐竹白果薏米 - RM5 用料诚意十足,我最喜欢腐竹完全融化成乳白色的腐竹薏米,里面还放了一颗鹌鹑蛋,很有家的风味。 除了海南扒之外,还有很多人来这里叫菜吃饭,菜肴的份量都是非常大的,就不知道味道怎么样。至于海南扒,对我来说因为有一份情意结存在,所以我给它四颗星,但是吃惯了西式扒的朋友可能就不太能接受了。 By 阿七 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2014-04-17
This place used to be a wooden hutt across the road. But since KL Sentral was developed, the restaurant has moved over to its current location.My kids enjoy the fried rice here. When dine in with friends, we would normally go for the specialty dishes - butter-chicken, ginger steam fish, etc..If you plan to hit this place for lunch, it would be good to call in and book a table first, less you would have to wait for a table. Yes, the place can be jammed pack during lunch time!For dessert, you should try their sam-suk-yee-mai (they dont have it all the time though. So, it would depend on your luck) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-09-13
清炒芥兰❤华人的生活中,一定会有吃过,所谓的“大炒”。大炒就是很多样菜肴+饭。在这里我要介绍的是新记(中西)餐室的清炒芥兰。本来芥兰是一种带苦苦的菜肴,但是新记(中西)餐室,在菜肴上层加了少许的银鱼丝,让菜肴吃起来不会苦苦的。让本来不喜欢的人也会爱上~好好吃哦~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-08-02
When the waiter took our order, I asked what drinks they have. And in Cantonese, he replied, “kat chai sim mui” which in direct translation would be lime and assam. I actually had a different expectation of the drink, I thought it would be the greenish one. The greenish version is the one that lime is blended and assam is added in, but when my drinks arrived, I was surprised to find that the drink was really literally lime, assam and water. Haha. Had a good laugh with my friend about this, because we both had the same expectation of the drinks. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-05-11
虽然新记最出名的是海鲜焖饭,但是如果是不喜欢吃海鲜的也可以尝试这款猪肉焖饭,其实猪肉焖饭和海鲜焖饭差不多,煮法也一样,只是把海鲜换上了猪肉,虽然味道没那么鲜但却多出了一份古早味,也是不错的选择 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)