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Signature Dishes
Pan Mee Soup Wan Tan Mee
Review (2)
Level2 2019-10-18
由馬六甲返到返到來吉隆坡市區,我地試左呢間Homie Recipe做晚餐。1. Hot and spicy pan mee(麻辣板麵)好辣好辣,一食就整到打哂噴嚏,唔食得辣真係唔好試。2. Shrimp dumpling pan mee(鮮蝦雲吞板麵)啲湯底咸咸地,啲麵有啲堅韌,仲有啲麵粉條嘅味。啲雲吞都大粒,不過皮有啲厚。3. Salted fish and minced chicken rice(咸魚肉碎飯)無咩味,啲咸魚都唔夠香。4. Curry chicken rice(咖哩雞飯)個咖哩幾香,啲薯仔同雞都幾好味。佢呢個飯好特別,佢配嘅係一個辣椒飯。個辣椒飯好香口,有少少微辣,十分滿意。因為個辣椒飯好味,所以我地又叫多左一碗獨立嘅。獨立嘅會有一個雞蛋係碗飯嘅面,撈起好味。5. Home-made fish cake(自制魚餅)呢個魚餅係全部送入面最好食架,好新鮮香口。點左佢嘅秘制醬汁仲好食。6. Stuffed tofu with bean paste sauce(豉汁釀豆卜)呢個就無咩特別,普普通通,不過不失。7. Bean curd roll with bean paste sauce(魚滑腐竹卷)佢係炸嘅,都脆卜卜,不過啲凌魚肉唔係好多,係邊邊位先有。8. Longan with white fungus lo han guo(龍眼羅漢果雪耳)呢杯飲落係羅漢果味嘅水,入面會有啲龍眼肉同埋雪耳,仲好似有少少糖冬瓜。9. Can cincau(罐裝涼粉)佢上嘅時候係一罐罐裝涼粉同埋一杯冰咁上,倒出來首先係只有水,底部先有一粒粒細細地嘅涼粉。如果可以搖渾左先飲會好啲。呢間野感覺都幾homie,但食物質素就是一般。今次一共食左馬幣131.9元。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-12-01
This place is ultra crowded during lunch time, with people queuing to get tables, and sharing tables is part of the dining culture here... so food must be good right? That's what I was told, but I think I've been lied to.My salted fish pan mee was absolutely terrible. Despite having very little ingredients and sauce, all I could taste was saltiness (but not the fish), and it was just a lot of noodles and really overpriced. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)