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Signature Dishes
Nasi Briyani Nasi Kandar Nasi Lemak Tomyam Seafood Tandoori
Review (2)
Level3 2012-08-16
Mydina Restaurant is a place where people love to hang-out, watching football show, or just for those late sleepers to have a cup of drinks at late hours. Food available includes all types of common Malaysian food such as roti canai, tosei, fried chicken with rice, maggi goreng etc, here is a cup of ice tea. TASTE: The tea leaves scent is not much (as compared to specialized tea/coffee franchise), with too much sugar being added, therefore the ice tea is overly sweet, but the ice cubes will balance it out, tastes cooling. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)