All Branches (2)
012-988 0774
Opening Hours
07:15 - 15:00
Mon - Sun
07:15 - 15:00
Payment Methods
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Signature Dishes
Pork Ball Noodle Chicken and Prawn Hor Fun Ipoh Curry Noodle
Review (3)
Bangsar 区一直以来给人的感觉就是很高档次,吃的来来去去都是咖啡馆,当然还有很多印度同胞的香蕉叶饭,总之吃一餐很不便宜就是了。不过最近却让我发现位于 Bangsar 区内,就在 Bangsar Village 购物商场对面的 Lucky Garden,隐藏着一家茶餐室 - 顺发记。这里有不少平民化的美食,让顺发记成为了附近一带华裔居民喜欢来光顾的道地早餐店。顺发记的熟食档口给人一种很古早味的感觉,一字排开的档口都是木制的,而不是一般看到的铝制的流动型档口。室内的座位不多,而且最多只有四人座,人多的话就得分开几张桌子了。虽然没有冷气,但在空气挺流通的,坐在室内也不会觉得热。光顾了几次,我心目中的美食排行榜前三名分别有虾面、猪肉丸面和爪哇面。猪肉丸面 - RM6.50猪肉丸面 ★★★★☆汤头看起来比一般的浑浊,味道我觉得需要以“诚意”两个字来形容,就好像用了很多猪骨去长时间熬成的汤头,很真实的味道。配料有猪肉丸和烧肠,份量不大,但吃到最后会觉得有一点过咸。咖哩面 - RM7咖哩面 ★★★☆☆我真的很久没看到有这么丰富配料的咖哩面了,除了基本的鸡肉、鲜蚶、豆腐卜、长豆,里面还有焖煮得又软又入味的茄子。咖哩汤汁比较重椰浆,不会太辣,可是也不够香浓,但是这一碗那么足料的咖哩面已经让我够感动了。叉烧云吞面 - RM6叉烧云吞面 ★☆☆☆☆云吞面的面条不够弹牙爽口,叉烧也仅仅是合格而已,在众多美食当中算是比较逊色的一个。叉烧饭 - RM6.50叉烧饭 ★★☆☆☆一串串吊在档口前的叉烧看起来晶莹剔透,忍不住就叫了一客叉烧饭来尝尝。叉烧肥瘦适中,但可惜没有我想像中的焦糖糖衣,肉质本身也略微干了一点。爪哇面 - RM6爪哇面 ★★★★☆在华人茶餐室里面可以吃到爪哇面是一件很令人惊喜的事情。这里的爪哇面看似份量不大,但是因为酱汁很浓稠,所以吃完一碟之后会很有饱足感。配料就是简单的豆腐、水煮蛋和虾饼,精髓在于它的酱汁,甜辣的味道加上花生粒,有点像印度人的rojak,还不错!虾面 - RM6.50虾面 ★★★★★不要看这虾面的汤头没有像其他地方那样泛着红红的虾油,喝一口之后你会惊叹这汤到底是放了多少虾子去熬煮的。冲着这出色的汤底,我给它五颗星!酿料面 - RM7酿料面 ★★★☆☆酿料面的价格是根据你所选择的酿料而定的,不太饿的时候可以来这一档挑几样喜欢的。鱼肉新鲜弹牙,只是酿料的选择没有太多。奶茶 ★★★★★这里的奶茶做得很不错,奶香茶香的比例很好,值得一试!Lucky Garden 对我来说是 Bangsar 的华人平民区,想要在 Bangsar 吃一餐低消费的,来这里准没错!除了顺发记,这里还有好几家类似的茶餐室,可是据说顺发记的口碑最好,食物平均水准最高哦~By 阿七 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-04-16
delicious ban mee available upstairs . the stairscase just right beside ! the taste of soup ban mee and the Chilis they served really nice yummy ! worth to try . and it is not costly, reasonable price . continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2012-05-12
Be prepared to wait for more than 25 minutes for your noodles, even though there is only 2 tables (with 4 person) before your turn, at 830pm. But the noodles are quite worth your wait even though the portion is slightly small for a normal eater. Perfect portion for supper.The server got our order all wrong, I ordered stew pork small yellow noodle RM10, but I got bihun and my order of ying yong is been replaced by watanhor RM8. OMG! Didnt say a word but just dig into my food because its such a long wait and I'm getting impatient and hungry!The watanhor (egg gravy koey teow) gravy is yummy, with bits of just nicely cooked egg that is still a bit raw but not overly raw. I hope you get what I mean. However the prawn is not fresh, it's a disappointment and almost spoil the dish, if it has fishy taste! The noodle is nice, got wok hei.The stew pork noodle is a yum. Melt in your mouth slices of kao yok (hakka styled stew pork) eaten with green pickled chili. So good! I have to mention that I felt quite thirsty after the dinner though. Didn't order supposely famous Sang Har Mee because not really a fan of big prawns continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)