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This is AmandaLaurenLee living in Mont Kiara. I am a Personal AssistantI like to hang out in Mont Kiara, Sri Hartamas, Bangsar. Japanese, Italian, European are my favorite cuisines. I also love Restaurant and Seafood, Burgers / Sandwiches, Fine Dining.
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Showing 46 to 50 of 149 Reviews in Malaysia
Lunch Smile Nov 30, 2015   
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Categories : Chinese | Restaurant | Noodles | Dim sum

For a friend's birthday, we decided on splurging on some good Chinese good. The one place that caught our attention is Canton-i which we hadn't eaten at for years. I almost forgot how good the food there is although slightly pricey. 

To share we got a platter of Char Siew & Siew Yuk. These were not at all disappointing because the char siew was nicely sweet, the edges charred just nice and the meat was also very tender. Almost as if it immediately melted on your tongue. 

Whereas the Siew Yuk was different but equally good. The layer of skin was perfectly crunchy while having the right amount of salt while the meat was juicy. There's a nice layer of fat in between each layer of meat but it wasn't too much that I had to spit out most of it. This, I had a lot of. 

Just to counteract how guilty we felt for indulging in so much meat, we got the stir-fried lotus root with cashews. This was my favourite dish because I like the vegetable is one thing but then the way that Canton I does it just makes it so much better. If we were not already quite full then I would have suggested to order a second helping of this.

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Interesting Smile Nov 29, 2015   
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Categories : Western variety | Restaurant | Pizza/Pasta | Steaks / Chops

There is something very interesting about the way Marche operates. Unlike any other restaurant they do not provide you a menu of set dishes that you choose from to eat. But instead they have different sections of raw produce where you can pick what you want then have the chef there cook it to your liking.

I think I spent more time walking around the restaurant looking at all the produce than actually deciding what to eat. It felt almost as if I was grocery shopping at a rather small but upscale grocer. So at the end I just left the decision making up to my mom cause she's dined there several times before.

For sides, we ordered some sauteed button mushrooms with garlic and also sprouts sauteed the same way. These two were my favourite option a side dishes which was why we chose them, but it's not exactly the best I've eaten at a restaurant. Though I do like how the dishes were freshly prepared as we order them so neither of them were soggy.

This was the best dish of the night. It's Grilled Chicken thighs with buttered grilled corn and mash potatoes. The meat was succulent and nicely grilled without being overly dry. Plus it had an amazing flavour from the rub on the meat and I liked the skin because it was somewhat crispy. 

Would have this dish again when I do go back there.
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Chicken & Waffles  Smile Nov 26, 2015   
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Categories : Western variety | Café | Sweets/Snack

After a rather negative first experience I had eating at Nutmeg, I was a little hesitant to return. However a friend assured me that things would improve as they give this place quite a good review. So reluctantly I went back with a rather low expectation so at least I won't be too disappointed if things were to turn out as it did before.

Perhaps because it was not lunch time so there were not too many patrons eating there. We got a table relatively quick and our waiter was more attentive this time, giving us a menu each almost instantly. I knew then to not order their baked eggs even though I wanted to have some nice runny egg yolk.

Instead my friend recommended the Chicken & Waffles. Which neither are really my ideal brunch or lunch order. But with good faith I ordered it anyway and it is safe to say that my impression of Nutmeg has changed after having this dish.

Sitting on top of a really nice light waffle is a slice of cheese, perfectly fried chicken with some corn strewn over it and then a beautifully poached egg. Also there's a little drizzle of maple syrup to keep it in it's 'southern' style. This dish I really liked because the flavour of everything just goes so well together. 

And having the richness of the yolk from the poached egg drizzling all over the crisp waffle & chicken was just heaven in a bite. So this dish has become my number one dish to order when I do visit Nutmeg and now, I no longer feel a slight disdain for the place.

In fact I think I will go there almost every time I'm at Bangsar Village. Just for this dish. 
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NOODLES GALLORE Smile Nov 26, 2015   
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Categories : Chinese | Restaurant | Noodles

After spending eight days in Sydney, I was dying for some really good Chinese comfort food. Especially something very soupy and hot. Although I did not exactly know what I was strongly craving for.

So when mom and I went to Vivo home, she brought me to Kim Lian Kee where she's had their noodles several times before with other family members and they all enjoyed it. It should come as no surprise that I would too. 

For myself, I ordered the Lao Shu Fun with an added egg. This food reminds me of my childhood because my mom makes really good one and I've been struggling to find a restaurant that cooks something remotely similar. But the one I had that night was so good, although not same as the one my mother makes, it's still very delicious.

Plus the added egg makes the whole thing more creamy & indulgent. I finished this whole pot of noodles to myself just to satisfy my long craving. 

Then because this was also something I was dying to have and a favourite of my mom's, we ordered the Loh Mee. This too was also very good especially after adding some black vinegar to give it more sour-ness which I prefer rather than the simple taste. The one served here has just the right amount of thickness to the soup and also very good flavour. Would happily just finish the whole bowl of soup even after enjoy my claypot lao shu fun. 

Apparently they serve good hokkien noodles and also other kind but I've yet to try them. Which gives me a good reason to go back. 
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Bulgolgi Smile Nov 26, 2015   
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Categories : Korean | Restaurant | BBQ

After really liking the food from here, I dragged my friend back with me. Coincidentally it was another rainy evening which I thought was perfect for something nice & warm to enjoy. 
Ban Chan

Ban Chan

As always they served us Ban-Chan after we ordered. My favourite is always the Kimchi that is provided and also the ikan bilis. I don't know why but the ones made here is not crispy but instead crunchy - nicely salty and also sweet. I always ask for refill just for this side dish and they are always very accomodating without charging me extra for that.

I ordered Beef Bulgolgi which is also a major favourite of mine to get. And for Rm20, including a bowl of rice, it was really worth it. It came in the claypot bubbling and boiling with lots of enoki mushrooms strewn on top of it. The stew tasted really good and the thinly sliced beef was really tender.

Eating this with a bowl of steaming hot korean rice made my night so much better. 
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